Bilston Swim School
In association with Bilston Swimming Club
Water Confidence
6-9 children, with 2 teachers both in the water.
Starting with a fun game for 10 mins warm up.
Next they have instructions on how to kick and how to blow bubbles, but it’s delivered through play and games. They are asked to traverse the pool using floatation devices and are encouraged to get both feet off the floor if they can. (This is not expected at this stage).
Finally we finish the class with a 5 mins fun contrasting activity.
Tadpole 1
- Enter the water safely. Exit the water safely
- Move forwards, backwards and sideways, each for 5 metres.
- Scoop the water and splash face.
- Be at ease with water showered from overhead.
- Move into a stretched floating position on front using aids, equipment or support.
- Move into a stretched floating on back position using aids, equipment or support.
- Regain an upright position from on the front without support.
- Regain an upright position from on the back without support.
- Blow bubbles with nose and mouth submerged, for a minimum of 3 seconds.
- Back paddle 5m, without equipment.
- Front paddle 5m, without equipment, face in water some of the time.
Tadpole 2
- Perform a tuck / mushroom float for 5sec. Perform starfish / pencil or soldier float for 5sec
- Using woggle, float on back on for 3, tuck and rotate to float on front.
- Using woggle, float on front on for 3, tuck and rotate to float on back.
- Push from wall and glide on back. Push from wall and glide on front.
- Maintain a streamline position, with face in water, whilst using a simultaneous kick, for 5m
- With woggle around waist kick using a circular leg motion, for 5m on back (then attempt on front)
- Fully submerged to pick up an object.
- Answer correctly 3 questions on water safety code.
- Swim 10 metres on front. Swim 10 metres on back.
Tadpole 3
- Demonstrate an understanding of buoyancy.
- Travel on the front, tuck to rotate around the horizontal axis and return on the back.
- Push off wall underwater and maintain a streamline position, whilst gliding.
- Kick 10 metres butterfly on the front or on the back
- Kick 10 metres breaststroke on the back (one item of equipment optional).
- Kick 10 metres breaststroke on the front (one item of equipment optional).
- Perform on the back, a headfirst sculling action for 5 metres in a horizontal position.
- Travel on the back and roll in one continuous movement onto front. (Log Roll)
- Travel on the front and roll in one continuous movement onto back. (Log Roll)
- Swim 15m backstroke (ASA standard).
- Swim 15m front crawl (ASA standard).
- Demonstrate circular arm action (breaststroke)
- Perform a feet first sculling action for 5 metres on the back.
- Perform a handstand for a minimum of 3 seconds.
- Perform a sculling sequence for 30 seconds to include a rotation.
- Tread water for 30 seconds, to be performed out of the depth.
- Demonstrate an action for getting help.
- Perform 3 different shaped jumps into the water.
- Swim 25 metres backstroke.
- Swim 25 metres front crawl with regular breathing pattern.
- Swim 15 metres breaststroke with noodle
- Demonstrate butterfly arm action while standing
- Perform a forward somersault, tucked in the water.
- Push and glide from the wall towards the pool floor.
- Demonstrate an understanding of preparation for exercise.
- Push off underwater on front, glide, kick and rotate into backstroke.
- Push off underwater on side, glide, kick and rotate into front crawl.
- Swim front crawl to include at least 6 rhythmical breaths.
- Swim breaststroke to include at least 6 rhythmical breaths.
- Swim butterfly to include at least 3 rhythmical breaths.
- Perform a sitting dive
- Tread water for 60 sec demonstrating at 2 differing leg kicks actions
- Swim 50m front crawl
- Swim 50m backstroke
- Swim 25m breaststroke
- Swim 15m butterfly
Competitive Swimming
For competitive swimming, please see main club page here